Last March 27th, at the premises of Farnesina, there was an important meeting organized by the Advisors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for the Higher Learning courses of the internal personnel, addressed to the qualified trainers working at the Ministry.
Among the guests, there was also HaoXuan Yin, the CEO of Cn Giada Verde, who has been giving for years highly specialized classes about the technical Chinese language and many noteworthy aspects of the Chinese culture, politics, economy and all the other features that may interest a Diplomat.
In the meeting, some interesting didactic tips and training ideas came up, like the very significant proposal to organize training events with lecturers and guests of great substance within the Ministry, to introduce everybody the PRC, its relationship with Italy, the economic and business features between them, the characteristics of the Chinese language with the overcoming of all the linguistic barriers still too often thought.
The hallmark of her training service is the complete technical assistance in all all the subject matters.
The areas covered by HaoXuan Yin in her classes, together with the technical, legal, economic, political and diplomatic Chinese terms, makes her teaching eclectic and cutting-edge, and strengthen her role of ‘messenger and ambassador’ to the Higher Training for the Diplomats.